Friday, June 8, 2012

Stamp Club Challenge - March

Hi Stampers

‘My bad’ is the phrase that my cherubs use when they do something wrong – takes a bit of getting use to so I thought that I would use this phrase, yes I should've posted these wonderful creations from the talented stamp club ladies. I will start with March creations.

IMG_3489As a group we really loved the Everyday Enchantment paper that was part of the Sale a bration promotion. 

IMG_3540Wendy was the creator of the card above.

 IMG_3537 Jo’s daughter Simone had a hand in this card, Simone is very fond of horses.

IMG_3538 If I remember rightly and Tania may have to correct me, this was made with her new man in mind.

IMG_3539 And this was Colleen’s very clever card. Colleen’s cards are very detailed and you can see more of her work over here.

For the March challenge Colleen came up with – Take the initials in your name and choose something to use for each of them, then name one, two and three things to use on your card. It could be embellishments, colours or techniques. It was a great challenge, thanks Colleen.

Thanks for looking


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