Monday, June 11, 2012

Slit latch card

Hi Stampers

A while back a friend gave my boys a gift card and had make a Slit latch Gift card holder that you can find the instructions for on Splitcoaststampers. I like the way it closed and thought that I would have a play. I dropped the Gift card holder part and just went for the card – well wouldn’t you know it I saw it on another blog – same idea. If I blogged regularly then maybe i could start a trend but not to be this time. Here are a couple of cards I made using the idea. creativeaddinktionslc2 creativeaddinktionslc1 creativeaddinktionslc3

So this card above was for Alistair’s birthday a few month back, the words are embossed with the Tempting Turquoise emboss powder.

creativeaddinktionslgc1 creativeaddinktionslgc2 creativeaddinktionslgc3 This is the girls version with the pinwheel. Very cute.

This is a very easy style of card to recreate. Enjoy playing.

Thanks for stopping by today.


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